Attrezzatura hardware

Stampanti di grande formato

With a wide format printer, you’ll be able to produce high quality images with high speed and efficiency. Depending on your targeted market, you can choose between several different print technologies that digital printers offer. Such as solvent, UV, sublimation or Resin® technology.

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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Epson SureColor S9100

Eco-solventni printer
Una testina di stampa 1,3 volte più grande aumenta la velocità fino al 10 %*, rendendola perfetta per ambienti di stampa ad...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Epson SureColor SC-S40610

Eco-Solvent Printer
Dai poster alle applicazioni grafiche all'Interior Decoration, questa stampante supporta un'ampia gamma di substrati per...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Epson SureColor SC-S60610

Eco-Solvent Printer
Dai poster alle applicazioni grafiche all'Interior Deocoration, questa stampante supporta un'ampia gamma di substrati per...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Epson SureColor SC-S80610

Eco-Solvent Printer
Dai poster alle applicazioni grafiche fino all'Interior Decoration, questa stampante supporta un'ampia gamma di substrati per...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Mimaki CJV300 - 160 Plus

Solvent Print & Cut
With the latest Mimaki Advanced Pass System (MAPS4), the new CJV300-160plus enables high quality printing at a faster...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Mimaki CJV330 - 160

Solvent Print & Cut
330 Series is a flagship model that combines Mimaki Engineering's technological expertise accumulated over more than 20 years...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Mimaki JV100 - 160

Solvent Printer
With two newly developed heads, the JV100-160 has pursued high quality, high productivity, and stable operation as an...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Mimaki JV300 - 160 Plus

Solvent Printer
With the latest Mimaki Advanced Pass System (MAPS4), the new JV300-160plus printer produces high quality printing at a faster...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Mimaki JV330 - 160

Solvent Printer
"330 Series" is a flagship model that combines Mimaki Engineering's technological expertise accumulated over more than 20...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Mimaki SWJ - 320EA

Grand format solvent printer
SWJ-320EA is a revolutionary 3.2-meter-wide solvent printer. As the successor of the legendary SWJ-320 S4, its functionality...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Roland DGEXPRESS ER Series

Roland DGEXPRESS ER è una periferica da stampa disegnata e costruita per produrre stampe di grande dettaglio e a differenti...
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Stampanti DTG e DTF

Roland DTF TY-300

Unleash unparalleled DTF performance and productivity with the TY-300. This powerful and reliable direct-to-film printer...
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Resin Printers

Roland TrueVIS AP-640

The TrueVIS AP-640 redefines resin printing with high colour saturation on a wide range of materials. It features new TrueVIS...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Roland TrueVIS SG3 Series

Eco-Solvent Printer
TrueVIS, la periferica che ha lanciato un'infinità di aziende, oggi entra in una nuova fase evolutiva per l'erà digitale....
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Roland TrueVIS VG3 Series

Eco-Solvent Printer
TrueVIS, la soluzione all-in-one che ha trasformato migliaia di aziende in tutto il mondo, sta entrando in una nuova fase di...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Roland TrueVIS XP-640

Need speed and productivity without compromising on image quality? The new XP-640 delivers the best of both worlds -...
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Stampanti Eco Solvent e Solvent

Roland VersaSTUDIO BN2 Series

Eco-Solvent Deskotop Printer & Cutter
La serie BN2 riunisce tutto il necessario in un'unica soluzione, potente e altamente conveniente. Grazie agli inchiostri...
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Stampanti DTG e DTF

Roland VersaSTUDIO BY-20

DTF Printer
With the VersaSTUDIO BY-20, you get DTF (direct-to-film) printing solution. Enhancing apparel with detailed, eye-catching...
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